8 Pinterest Tips and Tricks You Might Not Have Discovered in 2023

Tricks & Tips
November 17, 2023


Pinterest – a site that allows users to ‘pin’ pictures, infographics, and other images to a virtual noticeboard for future reference – is one of the original players  in the now-bulging social media world.  It is known for its extensive collection of images, or "pins," which users can organise on personalised boards. Pinterest serves as a hub for inspiration, creativity, and discovery, covering a wide range of topics such as fashion, home decor, recipes, travel, and more. It’s the original vision board.

What can Pinterest marketing do for E-commerce sellers? 

Pinterest marketing offers numerous benefits for ecommerce sellers, providing a visually appealing platform to showcase products, services, and ideas.

 It allows merchants to reach a broader audience, increasing brand exposure and visibility. By linking pins directly to their online store, merchants can drive significant website traffic and attract potential customers. 

With the right strategy, Pinterest marketing can boost sales and conversions by inspiring users to make purchases. Additionally, Pinterest users actively seek inspiration, making them more likely to engage with ecommerce merchants that align with their interests. 

Unlike other social media platforms, pins on Pinterest have a longer lifespan, ensuring long-term visibility and continuous engagement. 

Ecommerce business owners can leverage Pinterest marketing to enhance their online presence, tap into a motivated audience, and achieve sustained growth.

What types of online businesses should use Pinterest?

Pinterest is a valuable platform for ecommerce sellers that meet the following criteria:

Your target customers are on Pinterest: With over 460 million monthly users, including a growing number of men, millennials, Gen Z, and high-income individuals, Pinterest offers access to a diverse and financially capable audience.

You sell visually appealing products: Pinterest's visual nature makes it ideal for ecommerce sellers that offer visually appealing products. Whether it's fashion, home decor, accessories, beauty products, or other visually attractive items, Pinterest provides a platform to showcase these products and attract customers.

Your products cater to creative interests: If your online store offers products that cater to creative interests like DIY projects, arts and crafts, cooking, or hobbies, Pinterest is an excellent platform. Users turn to Pinterest for inspiration and ideas in these areas, allowing you to engage with your target audience and drive traffic to your online store.

If your online store meets any of these criteria, leveraging the power of Pinterest can help you reach and engage with your target audience, showcase your products, and drive sales.

Pinterest Marketing Tips

Prepare your profile and stay consistent

When it comes to Pinterest marketing, it's crucial to prepare your profile and maintain consistent branding elements. Here are some optimization tips:

Profile Optimisation: Start by using a clear and compelling business name that accurately represents your brand. Write a concise and engaging description that highlights your business offerings. Incorporate relevant keywords in your profile and board titles to improve searchability. Additionally, ensure that your branding elements, such as logos and colours, are consistent across your profile and boards. This consistency helps users recognise and remember your brand.

Profile Visuals: Upload a profile photo that best represents your business, typically your logo in a 165 x 165 pixel image. Utilise the cover area to add graphics, product shots, images of your office, seasonal imagery, and other visuals that represent your company. For example, Free People's cover features seasonal clothing.

Write a Consistent Bio: Ensure that your bio is consistent across platforms and adheres to the character limit (160 on Pinterest). Clearly and succinctly communicate your brand's mission statement and offerings. Try to naturally incorporate relevant keywords into your bio.

By optimising your profile, maintaining consistent branding elements, and crafting a compelling bio, you can create a strong and cohesive presence on Pinterest that effectively represents your brand.

Get verified as a merchant

Optimise your Pinterest presence by joining the Verified Merchant Program. This program provides several benefits, such as increased visibility for your products and a Shop tab on your profile. 

By becoming a verified merchant, your pins can appear organically to users searching for products on Pinterest. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to be featured in shopping experiences.

Create unique and featured Pin posts

To capture the attention of Pinterest users, it's vital to create visually appealing and unique pins. Use high-quality images, compelling graphics, and eye-catching designs that align with your brand's aesthetics. 

Use high-quality, vertical images. Select visually appealing, high-resolution images that will stand out in users' feeds. 

Make your brand the focal point. Showcase your product or service prominently in your pins. 

Include a subtle logo. Add your logo to every pin to reinforce brand identity. 

Add text overlay. Incorporate text overlay on your pins to provide context, key information, or a call to action. 

Stand out from the crowd by experimenting with different pin formats, such as video pins, story pins, and carousel pins. 

By implementing these optimisation techniques, you can create visually appealing and engaging pin posts that capture the attention of Pinterest users, increasing brand visibility.

Leverage keywords and hashtags

Pinterest functions as a search engine, so incorporating relevant keywords and hashtags in your pin descriptions, board titles, and profile can significantly improve your discoverability. Conduct keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use these keywords strategically in your content to increase the visibility of your pins in search results. Additionally, include relevant hashtags to further categorise your content and make it easier for users to find.

Time your posts:

Timing plays an essential role in maximising the reach and engagement of your Pinterest marketing efforts. 

Pay attention to peak activity times on Pinterest and schedule your pins accordingly. Pinterest peak times are 8-11PM in your local timezone, especially on Saturdays. Other high traffic times include Fridays at 3PM; 2-4 AM and PM, every day; 9 PM daily (which is considered to be the best peak time).

This way, you can ensure that your content appears in users' feeds when they are most likely to be actively browsing.

Experiment with different posting schedules and analyse the performance of your pins to determine the optimal times for reaching your target audience.

Engage and interact with other accounts: 

Pinterest is a social platform, so it's important to actively engage with other users, influencers, and brands in your industry. Follow relevant accounts, repin their content, and leave thoughtful comments. By engaging with others, you can build relationships, expand your network, and increase the visibility of your own pins. Collaboration and cross-promotion with influencers or complementary brands can also help expose your ecommerce store to new audiences and drive traffic to your profile.

Learn from your competitors 

Pay attention to your competitors' Pinterest strategies. Analyse their content, boards, pin descriptions, and engagement levels. This analysis can provide valuable insights into what works well in your industry. Look for patterns, trends, and successful tactics that you can adapt and incorporate into your own Pinterest marketing strategy. However, remember to maintain your unique brand voice and identity while learning from others.

Keep an eye on your analytics 

Pinterest provides robust analytics tools that offer valuable data and insights into the performance of your pins and overall profile. It's essential to regularly monitor and analyse these metrics to make informed decisions and optimise your Pinterest marketing strategy. Here are some key tips for leveraging Pinterest analytics:

Track engagement, clicks, and conversions: Pay attention to metrics such as saves, comments, and clicks to gauge the level of engagement your pins are generating. Identify pins that perform exceptionally well and try to understand what makes them successful. 

Identify trends and popular content: Analyse your analytics to spot patterns and trends among your audience's preferences. Look for common themes, topics, or formats that consistently resonate with your followers. 

Monitor audience demographics: Pinterest analytics provide insights into your audience's demographics, including age, gender, and location. Use this information to better understand your target audience.

Set goals and track progress: Establish specific goals for your Pinterest marketing efforts, such as increasing engagement, driving more traffic to your website, or growing your following. This will help you measure the effectiveness of your strategies and make adjustments as needed.

How to connect your shopline store with Pinterest Pixel

Step 1: Locate Pixel ID in your Pinterest account

In your Pinterest Business account, to [Ads] > [Conversions]

207 - Pinterest Ads: Tips for the DIY Marketer - Simple Pin Media®

Generate a new code, or copy the code from an existing conversion tag



Step 2: Install the Multi-channel Pixel Installation app in SHOPLINE admin panel

Go to SHOPLINE admin panel, find out the Multi-channel Pixel Installation app, and authorize to install it.

Step 3:Setup you Pinterest pixel and manage tracking events

Click add pixel and choose Pinterest as the Bound Platform

Then fill in your Pixel title and Pixel ID. Pixel Name can be any based on your preference. Pixel ID should be copied from your Pinterest business account.

Last, manage your tracking events and click Next Step. 


Pinterest marketing can be a valuable tool for ecommerce looking to increase brand exposure, drive website traffic, and boost sales. By optimising your profile, creating visually appealing pins, leveraging keywords and hashtags, engaging with other accounts, and monitoring analytics, you can effectively harness the potential of Pinterest to grow your business. Whether you're in the ecommerce, home decor, food, fashion, or travel industry, Pinterest offers a platform for connecting with a motivated audience and showcasing your products or services to a wide range of users.

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