Tell your brand story on Tiktok

Easily create TikTok video ads to reach your target audience and install real-time tracking code to optimize ad results.

Start free trial
marketing lipstick through titok
Sell on Tiktok
Suggest items of interest to your target audience and get more chances to convert.
SHOPLINE chart icon
Promote your products
Bind your advertising account and create campaigns that fit your budget.
SHOPLINE box icon
Manage Tiktok at SHOPLINE admin
SHOPLINE supports free product feed synchronization, order management and inventory.

One-click binding of Tiktok Pixel ID to the store for easy tracking of advertising

One-Click Installation
  • Installing the pixel does not require any technical code knowledge. Simply copy it from your TikTok Business account and paste it into the plugin, and it supports up to 50 simultaneous bindings.

Track TikTok traffic and events
  • Easily track the traffic and conversions of TikTok ads in your store. Use accurate tracking data and metrics to better target the right audience!

Precisely target the audience
  • With the data reported from Pixel (including the number of views, completed orders and other events), properly adjust the target audience profile tags to improve traffic quality and ultimately drive conversions.

Cosmetics Sales and costs through titok marketing
Selling cosmetics through titok advertising

Tiktok Marketing helps you quickly start Tiktok advertising

Synchronize products from store to Tiktok
  • Synchronize products from store to Tiktok to quickly launch product catalog ads

Automatic synchronization of product dynamics
  • Automatic synchronization of products creation, update and deletion dynamics to Tiktok

Support Pixel installation
  • Support Pixel installation, comprehensive insight into TikTok audience behavior, and provide necessary data to scientifically track advertising effects.

Self-developed smart ads placement tool

Quickly open accounts in multiple advertising channels
  • Now supports Facebook, Google, TikTok, and other channels

Lightning creation of ads
  • With the smart ads system, you can quickly generate different types of ads

Safeguard ads assets
  • No need to jump to the ads manager, you can complete the whole process of ad placement directly in SHOPLINE

Intelligent optimization of algorithms
  • 24-hour implementation of regulation and optimization of budgets to facilitate timely expansion and stop loss

Cosmetics orders and sales through titok marketing

Take the leap into the future with omnichannel commerce

Try SHOPLINE with our free 14 day trial. Explore all the features of our omnichannel solution and see where it could take you business.
No credit card required - get started today.

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