Supercharge Your Online Business Growth with Email Automation

Tricks & Tips
September 4, 2023

Email marketing automation is emerging as a game-changer for ecommerce businesses. But what is email automation and how can you fully leverage its potential to benefit your ecommerce store? 

What is email automation

Email automation is about using software or tools to automate different parts of your email marketing campaign. It allows you to set up pre-designed workflows and triggers that send personalised emails to your subscribers based on specific conditions or actions. In simpler terms, it's like having a system that automatically sends the right emails to the right people at the right time.

Email automation can relieve you of repetitive tasks and free up your time to focus on other important responsibilities, maximising productivity and allowing you to prioritise valuable tasks. For online business owners seeking to maintain strong connections with their customers, email automation proves to be a potent marketing automation tool. This approach saves time and money and is highly effective.

Email automation examples

Email automation can encompass a wide range of functionalities, including:

Welcome email

A welcome email serves as a warm introduction, thanking the customers for their interest and providing relevant information about the business or offering a special discount to encourage further engagement. It's an opportunity to make a strong first impression. 74% of people expect to receive a welcome email when they subscribe to a mailing list.

Abandoned cart recovery email

Automated emails are sent to customers who have added items to their shopping cart but did not complete the purchase, with the aim of encouraging them to return and complete the transaction. 

Use SmartPush, SHOPLINE’s easy-to-use EDM & SMS marketing tool, to automate email marketing across your customer lifecycle and save your effort. Enjoy the automated 24/7 uninterrupted reach and professional templates in SmartPush.

Order confirmation email

An order confirmation email is triggered when a customer completes a purchase on your website or online store. It serves as a confirmation of the order details, including the purchased items, quantities, pricing, and shipping information. Typically, the template of an order confirmation email includes a thank-you message, order summary, expected delivery date, and customer support contact information. This email not only provides reassurance to the customer but also establishes transparency and sets expectations regarding their purchase.

Product recommendation email

Based on your customer’s past purchases, browsing history, or preferences, this email suggests products that might catch their interest. Generally, the layout of a product recommendation email is designed to be visually appealing and engaging. It should showcase enticing product images, accompanied by catchy descriptions and possibly customer reviews.

Re-engagement email

Re-engagement emails are sent to inactive subscribers to rekindle their interest and encourage them to re-engage with the brand. The content may include a discount or offer (e.g. free shipping).

How to automate email workflows

To automate email workflows, follow these steps:

Select an email marketing tool: Choose a reliable email marketing tool like Mailchimp/Snovio/Hubspot/SmartPush that offers automation features and meets your business needs.

Define your workflow goals: Determine the specific objectives you want to achieve with your email workflow, such as nurturing leads, onboarding new subscribers, or re-engaging inactive customers.

Map out the workflow: Visualise the flow of your email automation by creating a step-by-step map. Identify the triggers, actions, and conditions that will dictate the sequence of emails.

Set triggers: Determine the events or actions that will trigger the workflow, such as subscribing to a list, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart.

Create email templates: Design and write the emails that will be sent at each stage of the workflow. Craft compelling subject lines and dynamic content to drive desired actions.

Configure automation rules: Set rules and conditions that determine when and to whom each email will be sent. These rules can be based on subscriber behaviour, demographics, or specific actions they take.

Test the workflow: Before making the workflow live, thoroughly test it to ensure that emails are being triggered and sent correctly. Check for any errors or issues that need to be addressed.

Launch and monitor: Once you are satisfied with the testing, activate the email workflow. Monitor its performance regularly, analysing open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Make necessary adjustments to optimise the workflow's effectiveness.

How to keep your automated emails from going to spam folders

It’s a massive headache when automated emails get stuck in those annoying spam folders. All that hard work goes down the drain because the emails simply don't get seen. To ensure your automated emails bypass spam folders, there are several steps you can take. 

Firstly, it's important to craft subject lines that don't sound spammy. Avoid using all caps, promotional language, or common spam trigger words. Additionally, be aware that spam filters may flag certain subject line content, such as "RE:" or "FWD:". By keeping your subject lines relevant and authentic, you can reduce the chances of your emails being marked as spam.

The choice of email marketing and automation tools can also impact email deliverability. Opt for reputable platforms like SmartPush provided by SHOPLINE that have built-in features to help comply with spam filters and regulations. These tools often provide guidance and best practices to ensure your emails reach the intended inbox.

Avoid spam words and phrases that make exaggerated claims and promises in your email like 100%, best, free. Or spam words that create unnecessary urgency and pressure like act now, you are a winner, sign up free. Or spam words that look like shady, spammy, or unethical.

Regularly review and clean up the HTML code in your emails. Broken or unsupported HTML elements can trigger spam filters. Pay attention to compatibility across different email clients, as each may have specific requirements. By ensuring your HTML code is error-free and compatible, you can minimise the chances of your emails being marked as spam.

Remember to continue monitoring email performance, making adjustments as needed, and staying up to date with best practices to maintain a strong email deliverability rate.

The final words

Email marketing automation gives online businesses the power to send personalised and right-on-time messages to their subscribers. Using an email automation tool is like having a secret weapon that supercharges your email campaigns and gets your audience hooked! 

Get on board with SHOPLINE, Asia's leading unified commerce platform. Let SHOPLINE SmartPush, a trustful and cost-effective email marketing automation plug-in, help you to revolutionise your email marketing endeavour right now!

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