Step-by-Step Guide to Connect Your SHOPLINE Store with Google Analytics 4

Tricks & Tips
November 9, 2023

If you need more certainty about analyzing the traffic of your e-commerce store, obtaining user data for visitors, or installing Google Analytics 4, worry no more! SHOPLINE has prepared a comprehensive guide that addresses all your concerns. This informative piece offers a detailed overview of Google Analytics 4, covering everything from its introduction to installation strategies and answers to the commonly asked questions. 

What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest generation website analytics tool introduced by Google, replacing UA as of July 1, 2023.

When users visit your website, GA4 analyzes website traffic and user behavior based on user information such as age and viewed pages. This analysis provides valuable insights for future marketing and promotional activities on your website.

Compared to UA, GA4 offers e-commerce merchants a more powerful way to track, analyze and visulise website data. 

Google Analytics 4 Install Step-by-Step Guide

The SHOPLINE admin is already connected to GA4 API, so merchants can simply integrate their SHOPLINE stores with GA4 to start using it!

Step 1: Create your GA4 Property

Go to Google Analytics Admin and select Create GA4 Property:

Then you’ll be asked to fill up property details, enter your site URL and enable the enhanced measurement streams.

Step 2: Click on "Data Streams"

Step 3: Select the data streams you created for your SHOPLINE store.

Step 4: Copy the Measurement ID that starts with “G-”

Step 5: Go back to the SHOPLINE Admin and select "Google" - "Google Analytics" - "Add Event."

‍Step 6: Fill in the copied Measurement ID and click "Confirm".

If you see the following status, it means you've successfully completed the setup!

FAQs About Google Analytics 4

1.What are the differences between GA4 and UA?

GA4 and UA differ in terms of data tracking methods, available report types, calculation of data metrics, and data privacy aspects.

2.Can GA4 and UA be used at the same time?

Yes, during the transition period, GA4 and UA can run at the same time, as they collect user data through different code backends. It is not necessary to disable UA, and this will not affect the accuracy of data collection and analysis of website users' information.

3.Can GA4 be integrated with Google Ads accounts?

Yes, GA4 can be integrated with Google Ads accounts. However, you can associate a maximum of 400 items for each Google Ads media resource. If your current Google Ads settings exceed this limit, consider creating a Google Ads manager account and associating it with your Google Analytics media resources.

4.Can GA4 be integrated with Google Search Console?

Yes, GA4 can be integrated with Google Search Console. For detailed instructions, please refer to this guide.

If you have further inquiries about GA4 or are interested in creating an online store, feel free to contact SHOPLINE‘s team. SHOPLINE provides a 14-day free trial and has a highly professional team to assist you in developing your store successfully!

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